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J Neurocrit Care 2008;1(Suppl 1): 25-31.
신경·혈관집중치료에 있어 모니터링
박 세 미
울산대학교 의과대학 서울아산병원 신경과학교실
Monitorings in NICU: What and How to Do?
Sea Mi Park, MD
Department of Neurology, College of Medicine, University of Ulsan, Asan Medical Center, Seoul, Korea
In the neurointensive care (NICU) unit, neurologic monitoring is depended upon to signal the onset of neurologic decline. Monitoring technologies assume particular importance in the Neurocritical care Unit. Beyond other intensive care unit (ICU), the NICU uses a wide array of technologies (intracranial pressure monitoring, cerebral perfusion pressure measurement, cerebral oxygen saturation, transcranial Doppler ultrasound and continuous electroencephalogram) are commonly practiced for both whole brain monitoring modalities and also considers recent advances in general ICU monitoring strategies. Most simplest and important thing is the serial neurologic examination, performed frequent intervals by staff in NICU. However, many patients in the NICU are comatose and exposed various medications (neuromuscular blocker, sedative drug … etc.) so they are not easily evaluated for a detailed neurologic status. Monitoring of critically ill neurologic patients is important and requires correct interpretation of every change ahead of secondary brain damage. Many monitoring techniques are available to provide crucial, real-time information about brain performance. Monitoring of ICP changes and cerebral blood flow monitoring are the main themes of this review. We summarize neuromonitoring in the NICU and will discuss what, how and why to measure the important parameters timely.
Key Words: Monitoring·NICU·Neurocritical care
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Patient Monitoring in NICU  2010 December;3(Suppl 2)
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