Department of Neurology, Seoul Medical Center, Seoul, Korea
Bacterial meningitis and brain abscess are infectious disease of central nervous system (CNS) that can cause significant neurological sequelae. Despite advances in neurocritical care, these CNS infectious diseases still have a high morbidity and mortality rate, especially in certain high-risk patients. Clinicians use epidemiologic, historical, and physical examination findings to identify patients at risk for these infections, and CNS imaging and lumbar puncture may be useful to further evaluate for these diagnoses. Bacterial meningitis is a medical emergency requiring prompt recognition and evaluation and urgent institution of appropriate antibacterial therapy. The diagnosis of brain abscess can not be challenging but also delayed frequently, as both imaging findings and clinical features of which overlap with more common neurological disorders. This article reviews recent reports and highlights considerations in clinical evaluation, specific antimicrobial therapy, imaging findings, and adjunctive corticosteroids therapy.