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J Neurocrit Care 2009;2(1): 25-27.
A Case of Ischemic Stroke Related to the Use of Emergency Contraception
Jee-Aae Kim, MD, San Jung, MD, MS, Young-Sik Jung, MD, Min-Kyeong Jung, MD, Ji-Hyun Lee, MD, Min-Keun Park, MD and Sung-Hee Hwang, MD, PhD
Department of Neurology, Kangnam Sacred Hospital, Hallym University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea
Background: Daily use of oral contraceptives is a well known risk factor for stroke. However, emergency contraceptives related ischemic stroke is rarely reported. Recently we experienced a young woman with acute ischemic stroke after use of emergency contraception.
Case Report: A 23-year-old woman presented with right sided dysesthesia and hemiparesis. MRI revealed acute infarction in left internal capsule and thalamus. The laboratory work ups for young age onset stroke failed to reveal the cause of infarction except prior use of the emergency contraceptive pill.
Conclusions: Although it is still unclear about the relationship between the emergency contraceptives and ischemic stroke, it is necessary to consider that the emergency contraceptives as one of the possible cause of stroke in young age woman.
Key Words: Emergency contraception·Cerebral infarction·Young age woman
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