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J Neurocrit Care 2009;2(2): 60-62.
지방색전증후군 환자에서 임상경과 및 연속 뇌자기공명영상 소견
국민건강보험공단 일산병원 신경과,1 해븐리병원 신경과,2 연세대학교 의과대학 신경과학교실3
Clinical Course and Serial Brain MRI Findings in a Case of Fat Embolism Syndrome
Jeong Hee Cho, MD, PhD1, Jee Heun Kim, MD2, Hee-Jin Kim, MD3, Gyu Sik Kim, MD1, Sun-Ah Choi, MD, PhD1 and Jun Hong Lee, MD, PhD1
1Department of Neurology, National Health Insurance Corporation Ilsan Hospital, Goyang, Korea 2Department of Neurology, Heavenly Hospital, Goyang, Korea 3Department of Neurology, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seou
Background: Fat embolism syndrome (FES) is a rare but serious complication of long bone fractures and orthopedic surgery. Recent studies have shown the usefulness of brain MRI in the diagnosis of FES. The prognosis of FES is thought to be favorable.
Case Report: A 24-year-old man suffered multiple bone fractures after automobile accident. Loss of awareness developed after the closed reduction and internal fixation operation of femur and tibia fractures. The T2 and diffusion-weighted MR images on the 3rd day after trauma revealed numerous high signal intensities in the bilateral cerebral white matters. On the 15th day after trauma, he started to respond to verbal stimulus and follow-up brain MRI showed much improvement of the previous hyperintense lesions. His mentality gradually recovered but impairment of recent memory persisted.
Conclusions: We experienced a case of FES with cognitive sequelae.
Key Words: Fat embolism syndrome · Bone fracture·Magnetic resonance imaging
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